Wij zijn er voor Amsterdam en omgeving.

2016; COC Amsterdam e.o. bestaat zeventig jaar!
1 maart 2023: Op 1 maart ondertekenden 14 partijen het provinciaal regenboogstembus akkoord 2023.
2015: start Cocktail, maatjesproject voor LHBT asielzoekers in Amsterdam en Almere
2016: EuroPride in Amsterdam
2013: COC Amsterdam e.o presenteert het RAINBOW-project: een nieuw lespakket voor voorlichting op scholen
8 april 2013: groot protest in Amsterdam tijdens bezoek Poetin
1 april 2016: Amsterdam viert 15 jaar homohuwelijk met I Amsterdam in regenboogkleuren
5 december 2015: Amsterdam vangt LHBT-vluchtelingen die daaraan behoefte hebben apart op.
2014: oprichting van AmsterdamPinkPanel, een onderzoekspanel voor veiligheid van LHBT Amsterdammers
30 augustus 2015: Amsterdam schaft verplichte geslachtsregistratie op gemeentelijke formulieren af
2021: COC Amsterdam bestaat 75 jaar!

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Steun COC

Streetheart Festival

9 September 2017 -
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Date(s) - 09/09/2017
13:00 - 21:00

Club Church

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Gay club Church organizes gay festival in Kerkstraat 

Starting this year a new LGBT festival will be organized. Initiator Jennifer Hopelezz, from gay club Church: ‘Because we are here the whole year. Not only during the Canal Parade’.

Amsterdam’s gay club, Church, is organizing a full day LGBT festival in front of the door of the club, on Kerkstraat. During this seven-hour ‘Streetheart Festival’ visitors can dance, participate in a fashion show and vote for their favorite Mister, Miss, and Genderfluid Streetheart. Jennifer Hopelezz, organizer of the festival and co-owner of Club Church: “It will be an ‘old fashioned street party’ with beers. And it will be very gay”.

The festival will be organized to let it be seen that the Amsterdam LGBT community does not only exist during the days surrounding the yearly Canal Parade. “Outside Pride the LGBT community is completely not so visible at all. We are partying all year long, inside. The Streetheart Festival must show the community in a positive light that we are here all year long. Not only during the Canal Parade.”

“After Pride, we party the whole year inside” – Jennifer Hopelezz


Homophobic Leidseplein

Hopelezz thinks that the location is perfect for a day-long festival: “The festival is close to the Leidseplein, in the middle of the city, but unfortunately a homophobic place. It is important that the people here will be confronted with a happy and inclusive LGBT event”.

The Streetheart Festival will be organized in cooperation with Stichting Gala and is aligned with an art project by the American journalist and photographer Shirley Agudo. In a ten-year timespan, she has pictured around 10,000 drag queens, homosexuals and other birds of paradise, making a special image of the Amsterdam LGBT community.

Streetheart Festival
Saturday 9 September (1pm–9pm), free entry
Kerkstraat number 52


This article was made by the Parool, and translated by COC for advertising the event. Original article here:
