Wij zijn er voor Amsterdam en omgeving.

5 december 2015: Amsterdam vangt LHBT-vluchtelingen die daaraan behoefte hebben apart op.
30 augustus 2015: Amsterdam schaft verplichte geslachtsregistratie op gemeentelijke formulieren af
2014: oprichting van AmsterdamPinkPanel, een onderzoekspanel voor veiligheid van LHBT Amsterdammers
2016; COC Amsterdam e.o. bestaat zeventig jaar!
1 maart 2023: Op 1 maart ondertekenden 14 partijen het provinciaal regenboogstembus akkoord 2023.
8 april 2013: groot protest in Amsterdam tijdens bezoek Poetin
2021: COC Amsterdam bestaat 75 jaar!
1 april 2016: Amsterdam viert 15 jaar homohuwelijk met I Amsterdam in regenboogkleuren
2015: start Cocktail, maatjesproject voor LHBT asielzoekers in Amsterdam en Almere
2016: EuroPride in Amsterdam
2013: COC Amsterdam e.o presenteert het RAINBOW-project: een nieuw lespakket voor voorlichting op scholen

Doe mee!

Op verschillende manieren kun jij helpen om onze activiteiten in Amsterdam en omgeving mogelijk te maken, voor nu en de toekomst.

Steun COC

Start large-scale survey of MSM corona experiences

30 July 2020 -

The corona epidemic and the associated ‘intelligent lockdown’ have (had) a great impact on many people. Also on MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) and trans persons. Sia Aids Nederland and Utrecht University, in collaboration with RIVM and IPSR, are investigating whether and to what extent corona influences or has had an impact on the health and sex and love life of this group.

“The coronavirus can be transmitted during sex,” says Paul Zantkuijl of Soa Aids Nederland. “We are curious to what extent this risk affects and has affected the sex lives of men and trans persons who have sex with men. There are indications that many of them have had no or less sex for a while. But there are also indications that this was difficult to sustain for part of the group in the long term. ”


“We are curious to what extent men and trans people have adjusted their sex behavior and what risks they are willing to take. We would also like to know to what extent the intelligent lockdown and the relaxations that followed have had an impact on the Professional, mental and physical health of the participants. ”

The results of the research could possibly be used to sharpen current information about the coronavirus and sex. It will also look at the STD care for this target group, which has been less available to some extent by corona to this day.

The research

Participants must be aged 18 or over and live in the Netherlands. The online survey is available in Dutch and English. By participating you can win one of the 20 gift cards, each worth 25 euros.

You can find the research here:


For more information: Paul Zantkuijl, Soa Aids Nederland. Email: pzantkuijl@soaaids.nl

[Tekst & Visuals: Soa Aids Nederland]

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